Silenced Sources, Heritage, and the Oral-Literary Continuum

Rewriting the Margins of the National – Colloquium

We invite researchers on e.g., folklore, literature, cultural heritage, and history to delve on topics such as

• The interaction between oral and written cultures and evaluation of hybrid forms of expression
• The institutional actors and ideological premises in the cultivation of the oral-literary interface (e.g., in the context of archives)
• Epistemological issues related to documentation, textualization and editing
• The formation of values and notions linked to national heritages and literatures
• Documentation, editorial and textualization practices – omissions, silences, editorial decisions, and issues of representation in the field, the archive, research, and the literary field
• Processes of heritagization and canonization of folklore and expressive traditions
• Hidden sources and muted expressive genres on the fringes of cultural canons
• The criteria for marginalization or canonization of folklore, such as genre, area, content, social group
Cultural appropriation, folklore, and national cultures

The colloquium will be organized in cooperation with The Finnish Literature Society, The Kalevala Society Foundation and the Folklore Department, University of Helsinki.
Proposals with a short abstract of fewer than 300 characters, a long abstract of fewer than 250 words, and a short biographical note should be sent by 15 February 2023 here.